Does the Population like Soda?

Percent of Population who Enjoy Coffe or Tea:
  Americas* France The United Kingdom Switzerland Japan
% Who Just Like Coffee 87% 53% 10% 66% 13%
% Who Dislike Coffee 13% 47% 90% 34% 87%
% Who Just Like Tea** 11% 37% 90% 32% 40%
% Who Do Not Care*** 2% 10% 0% 2% 47%
Total Sample Size 3,635,735 people

This survey was conducted to:

  1. Show the difference in culture around the world related to coffee and tea.
  2. Either verify or falseify rumors spread around the internet.
  3. Remove steryotypes.
  4. And, certainly not least, have fun.

It can be concluded that:

Please note that none of the information presented on this web page is real. I am certainly not attempting to spread false information.

This somewhat satrical piece was created by Tyler Craig on September 30, 2021

Editable Image template provided by Venngage at their website
